aku sgt penat....
kenapa aku penat????
sebab aku buat kerja yg memenatkan...
memang la sangat penat...
betul tak????
activities for July and slightly August:
1)pergi putrajaya....ader flower's festival....kekekekeke....best mmg best...
tapi sgt penat....ye la...pegi jalan2 tgk bunga....penat kan tuh....pergi kol 9.30 pastu balik kol 12....nape balik awal???sbb esoknyer ada aktiviti yg lg memenatkan...
2)esok paginyer....kol 4.30 pg da bangon....nk g pnjt Bukit Broga....huhuhuhuh...x
cukup tido....kan da penat tuh....siap2..gerak lam kol 5.30 pg....nape g panjat
bukit awal pg????kononnyer nk tgk sunrise....sudahnyer sunrise ntah kemana....
penat je yg lebey...huhuhuhuhu
3)turun bukit Broga.....pergi serang air terjun sg.Tekala lak....ha...yg ni best walaupun mmg penat kan....hahahaha.....mandi air terjun weyh....bapok syok!!!!!kekekekek...tapi penatnyer......
4)hari ni g sg Gabai lak...kt Hulu Langat....air terjun jugak...hehehehehe...best....tp laaaaaagi penat...sbb ape????sbb nk sampai kt air terjun tu kena panjat tangga!!!!tinggi lak tu....rase macam panjat bukit Broga skali lagi da....huhuhuhu...sib bek best....ktorg wat nasi lemak ngan sandwich....hihihihi...best...tapi penat....
asyik penat je kan.....nape la asyik rase penat ni????petanda umur da meningkat kot???
kekekekekek...anayway...Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak...semoga bulan yg mulia ini memberi seribu pengertian dan penyesalan...AMIN....
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
arghhhh...mateku mangantuk sekali!!!!...tp skunk senja...x boley tido...kang giler...
xpe2...tahan sket yer mate...nape sayer mengantuk????
sbb mlm td tido kol 3...pastu bangon kol 7...nk g kelas korea...urghhhh...bapak malas!!
nape tido kol 3???sbb siang tu bangon tido kol 12 tengahari!!!kekekekeke...padan muke
tido lame sgt...dah malam x boley tido!!!
ditambah lg ngan org tgk bola malam tadi...uhhh...lg x boley tido...lampu tv tu menggoda jer!!!kekekeke
oh ya...malam tadi kan final world cup....dorg ckp ader event kat I-City...
kate ader celebrities!!!wahahahahaha...ade aku kesah???????????????
sbb tu la jalan jam terok malam td!!!heran....org ni xde TV ke kt umah???
sebok2 nk tgk kt skrin besar kt I-City tuh!!!bkn negara kite yg lawan pown!!!
kekekekeke...whatever....anyway...congrats Spain for winning the oh so prestigious World Cup!!!
xpe2...tahan sket yer mate...nape sayer mengantuk????
sbb mlm td tido kol 3...pastu bangon kol 7...nk g kelas korea...urghhhh...bapak malas!!
nape tido kol 3???sbb siang tu bangon tido kol 12 tengahari!!!kekekekeke...padan muke
tido lame sgt...dah malam x boley tido!!!
ditambah lg ngan org tgk bola malam tadi...uhhh...lg x boley tido...lampu tv tu menggoda jer!!!kekekeke
oh ya...malam tadi kan final world cup....dorg ckp ader event kat I-City...
kate ader celebrities!!!wahahahahaha...ade aku kesah???????????????
sbb tu la jalan jam terok malam td!!!heran....org ni xde TV ke kt umah???
sebok2 nk tgk kt skrin besar kt I-City tuh!!!bkn negara kite yg lawan pown!!!
kekekekeke...whatever....anyway...congrats Spain for winning the oh so prestigious World Cup!!!
Monday, May 31, 2010
talking about the worst.....that might happen....
hello...i'm back...
staying at home has made me a current issue's girl!!!!kekekekeke
and now the so-called-story about al-arqam again....what???not again?????
hell yeah!!!well few days ago....aku bace kt newspaper...u know...sal kes al-arqam la kan...
u know ape yg funny sgt????regarding the tsunami in ACHEH.....they said that it happens because....aiii...it happen because the abuya is mad...at Acheh's people..????why he's mad???
well abuya's second wife,khatijah am ( i guess...), said that org Acheh nyer behavior yg asyik wat maksiat yg wat abuya marah....coz' they said that Acheh is abuya's land????hohohohho weird hah???
actually dorg de wat buku sal ni...and just de jual kt Acheh jer....(wonder why???)
ader gak dorg tulis sal memula org2 kt Acheh berdoa minta tolong dengan ALLAH...tp x jadi ape2 pown....but then dorg mtk tolong or i can say yg dorg berdoa kpd Abuya....and dang!!!tsunami pun berenti...and dorg selamat!!!whoa!!!!!karutnyer!!!!!
what is wrong with this people????
how dare they questioned about ALLAH's power....and to say that they compared it to human...isn't it too much????....it might sound funny but seriously, this is just too much!!!
aku ni bukan la alim sgt kan....tp at least aku tau yg ALLAH tu sempurna...mane leh compare ngan kite...manusia biasa ni....and he's not even a RASUL....
those people....bile la dorg nk sedar....haiiiii....
owh and....lately aku concern sgt dgn hal bantuan ke GAZA...
hmmm....semoga dorg selamat sampai....
well byk sgt halangan kalo kite nk wat baik kan....
semoga ALLAH lindungi dorg sumer.....
staying at home has made me a current issue's girl!!!!kekekekeke
and now the so-called-story about al-arqam again....what???not again?????
hell yeah!!!well few days ago....aku bace kt newspaper...u know...sal kes al-arqam la kan...
u know ape yg funny sgt????regarding the tsunami in ACHEH.....they said that it happens because....aiii...it happen because the abuya is mad...at Acheh's people..????why he's mad???
well abuya's second wife,khatijah am ( i guess...), said that org Acheh nyer behavior yg asyik wat maksiat yg wat abuya marah....coz' they said that Acheh is abuya's land????hohohohho weird hah???
actually dorg de wat buku sal ni...and just de jual kt Acheh jer....(wonder why???)
ader gak dorg tulis sal memula org2 kt Acheh berdoa minta tolong dengan ALLAH...tp x jadi ape2 pown....but then dorg mtk tolong or i can say yg dorg berdoa kpd Abuya....and dang!!!tsunami pun berenti...and dorg selamat!!!whoa!!!!!karutnyer!!!!!
what is wrong with this people????
how dare they questioned about ALLAH's power....and to say that they compared it to human...isn't it too much????....it might sound funny but seriously, this is just too much!!!
aku ni bukan la alim sgt kan....tp at least aku tau yg ALLAH tu sempurna...mane leh compare ngan kite...manusia biasa ni....and he's not even a RASUL....
those people....bile la dorg nk sedar....haiiiii....
owh and....lately aku concern sgt dgn hal bantuan ke GAZA...
hmmm....semoga dorg selamat sampai....
well byk sgt halangan kalo kite nk wat baik kan....
semoga ALLAH lindungi dorg sumer.....
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
...i'm back.....
hah....so tired....
tired of everything....never thought that being a human is this tiring....
kekekekekeke...why am i complaining anywhere???nothing actually....i'm bored...really!!
now a days.....everything seems so weird....i mean about that al-arqam....and Thailand...
owh....what happen to this world!!!!!
funny if we read about al-arqam and their believes....
how come org yd da mati boley idup balik...kan???
well...that's what the believe....and thank god....i don't believe that!!!at all!!!!
i mean sape kiter nk persoalkan kuasa Tuhan kan???
but it is impossible yg org mati boley idup balik????right???
before i never thought that ape yg al-arqam percaya tu teruk sampai mcm ni sekali...
ye la...enough la yg dorg obses dgn ketua sendiri kan....but this is just too much!!!
syukur lah aku tak tergolong dlm golongan org yg sesat....
and aku harap kwn2 and everyone around me pun x mcm tuh....
about Thailand....watching the news...it almost unbelievable that things can be like that...
wow....my jaw almost dropped when i first heard about the "almost-so-called-war" that happen in Thailand!!!!....susah nk caye....da la dkt jer ngan our beloved country kan???
tu la yg jadi when human cannot think straight anymore....
like my mom said....they choose democracy...but they themselves violated the so-called democracy....
huah....the war will never stop if none of them are willing to accept the truth...
hai....but...sape aku yg nk masuk campur kan???
thank god yg sumer da settle skunk...hopefully nothing like this will ever happen again...
tired of everything....never thought that being a human is this tiring....
kekekekekeke...why am i complaining anywhere???nothing actually....i'm bored...really!!
now a days.....everything seems so weird....i mean about that al-arqam....and Thailand...
owh....what happen to this world!!!!!
funny if we read about al-arqam and their believes....
how come org yd da mati boley idup balik...kan???
well...that's what the believe....and thank god....i don't believe that!!!at all!!!!
i mean sape kiter nk persoalkan kuasa Tuhan kan???
but it is impossible yg org mati boley idup balik????right???
before i never thought that ape yg al-arqam percaya tu teruk sampai mcm ni sekali...
ye la...enough la yg dorg obses dgn ketua sendiri kan....but this is just too much!!!
syukur lah aku tak tergolong dlm golongan org yg sesat....
and aku harap kwn2 and everyone around me pun x mcm tuh....
about Thailand....watching the news...it almost unbelievable that things can be like that...
wow....my jaw almost dropped when i first heard about the "almost-so-called-war" that happen in Thailand!!!!....susah nk caye....da la dkt jer ngan our beloved country kan???
tu la yg jadi when human cannot think straight anymore....
like my mom said....they choose democracy...but they themselves violated the so-called democracy....
huah....the war will never stop if none of them are willing to accept the truth...
hai....but...sape aku yg nk masuk campur kan???
thank god yg sumer da settle skunk...hopefully nothing like this will ever happen again...
Saturday, May 8, 2010
its been a while.....
hey...its been a while....
got nothing to write here....even now....aigooo
its already 2.22 in the morning....and i'm here typing ...
and owh....skunk da kt umah!!!!yay!!!
kepada teman-teman serumahku yg masih belom pulang....jaga diri bebaik tau...
org ckp "people change"...for some odd reason....btol ke???
well i do change....at least for now....
u know...i have a very very very bad habit!!!
and i don't just get it recently....its become my habit since way back...
and i gotta tell u, it is a really weird, out of your mind, kinda habit...
and to tell the truth...i hate that habit of mine....
but its been a while since i "practiced" that habit....
guessed it because of my condition....
and today i tried to practically do that habit again!!!
i guess because it is a habit that it come naturally to me to suddenly want to do it...
but...to my surprise...i hate doing it...now...
can you believe it???it is my habit from long time before...
but suddenly my mind rejected it...
and the reason is simply that because i think it is "boring"...
hahahahaha...and i hope it will be forever...
so that now i do believe that people can change...people do change...
as we grow up....become more matured...then we started to think....
think about the foolish things we've done before...and how i wish that i can turn back time...
knowing that i can't,its hurt....my head hurt....my heart hurt too much...
but being the who i am right now....i'm learning to accept everything....
i am learning to accept everything that happened in the past....that happens just now....
and the thing that not yet to happen.....
its hard...coz its hurt...but i still learning...
learn to forget...learn to forgive....
learn to open up a little more....learn to be a better me....
and i'm still learning.....
got nothing to write here....even now....aigooo
its already 2.22 in the morning....and i'm here typing ...
and owh....skunk da kt umah!!!!yay!!!
kepada teman-teman serumahku yg masih belom pulang....jaga diri bebaik tau...
org ckp "people change"...for some odd reason....btol ke???
well i do change....at least for now....
u know...i have a very very very bad habit!!!
and i don't just get it recently....its become my habit since way back...
and i gotta tell u, it is a really weird, out of your mind, kinda habit...
and to tell the truth...i hate that habit of mine....
but its been a while since i "practiced" that habit....
guessed it because of my condition....
and today i tried to practically do that habit again!!!
i guess because it is a habit that it come naturally to me to suddenly want to do it...
but...to my surprise...i hate doing it...now...
can you believe it???it is my habit from long time before...
but suddenly my mind rejected it...
and the reason is simply that because i think it is "boring"...
hahahahaha...and i hope it will be forever...
so that now i do believe that people can change...people do change...
as we grow up....become more matured...then we started to think....
think about the foolish things we've done before...and how i wish that i can turn back time...
knowing that i can't,its hurt....my head hurt....my heart hurt too much...
but being the who i am right now....i'm learning to accept everything....
i am learning to accept everything that happened in the past....that happens just now....
and the thing that not yet to happen.....
its hard...coz its hurt...but i still learning...
learn to forget...learn to forgive....
learn to open up a little more....learn to be a better me....
and i'm still learning.....
Saturday, May 1, 2010
tired of being me......aigoooo

i'm so tired...
tired of being who i am...now...
tired of doing what i do...now...
tired of where i am...now....
tired of me....
tired of you...
tired of them...
tired of this world...
tired of this life....
tired of pretending...
tired of all the lies...
i'm just tired of everything...
can someone please saved me???
save me from this tiredness...
save me from feeling regret...
save from being me....
save me from being them...
just please come and save me...
i just want to be me...
but is this the real me???
am i being real...now???
or am i just become like them...plastic???
full of lies and pretentious???
if i'm not being honest, is it wrong??
if i lie because i want to keep my pride..is it wrong???
if i talk bad about others...is it wrong???
if i use inappropriate words...is it wrong???
if i don't wanna be friend with others...is it wrong???
if i hate them...is it wrong???
is it??....
i don't know anymore...
what my heart want and why my head can't take it...
what my head actually want...and why my heart opposed it??
what is it about me that i don't understand???
is my life messed up already???
no....i don't think so...
my life is ok...
it just me....
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

its 3.49 in the morning.... belom tido lagi....why???sajer...hehehehe ngah on9...YGLadies nyer forum...recently i've become so addicted to this forum.... don't know why lor.....
hmmmm...semalam kol 5 petang,hari rabu....g pasar malam(???) ngan budak2 ni... tuhan!!!laparnyer perot sayer!!!! hehehehe nasi lemak Sijangkang, here i come!!! kat pasar malam yg berlangsung pada waktu petang yg sangat panas itu....ramai org... so, suhu nyer makin tinggi...aku nyer panas baran pun makin terasa nk kua ni.... huhuhuhuhh...Fyza cakap byk2 sabar....bkn ape aku tunggu org goreng charkuewteow ni hah,lame betol!!!!da le customers ramai.....buat aku berasap jer tau!!! sudahnyer aku beli kuew teow kat tempat len jer....sian Tyka ngan Nora....sorry yer korg... xoxoxoxoxo
kol 8 pm...still hari Rabu...ok da boley start stadi IBM!!!!
tengok buku sekejap....tetibe mate ni cam ngantuk pulak...aish,x boley x boley!!!kena stadi gak..
make buku teks yang kecik tu pun di belek belek beberapa kali...
hummm GLOBALIZATION....banyak pulak tulisan ni....adoila...
tengok buku sekejap....tetibe mate ni cam ngantuk pulak...aish,x boley x boley!!!kena stadi gak..
make buku teks yang kecik tu pun di belek belek beberapa kali...
hummm GLOBALIZATION....banyak pulak tulisan ni....adoila...
da kol 4 pagi ni....sepatutnyer aku da tido ni....hummm...xpe2 jap g aku tido....
ape lagi nk tulis ni ek????hummm...
owh kepala ku...kenapa sakit lak tetibe ni???
ko nk rehat ek????byk sgt berfungsi hari ni....
xpe2 jap g aku rehatkan ko ek....
ti sok x mampu lak nk berfungsi ngan waras....kekekeke
ape lagi nk tulis ni ek????hummm...
owh kepala ku...kenapa sakit lak tetibe ni???
ko nk rehat ek????byk sgt berfungsi hari ni....
xpe2 jap g aku rehatkan ko ek....
ti sok x mampu lak nk berfungsi ngan waras....kekekeke
so this is my report for today...roger and out!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

mata oh mata.... mata yang bulat dan cantik..(????) kenapa kau asyik nk tertutup jer??? penat kah engkau??? handphone oh handphone... handphone yg cun lagi canggih...(kikiki) di manakah engkau??? di saat aku memerlukanmu...dimanakah engkau??? aku cuma ingin tahu.... sekarang da pukul berapa ek???? bantal oh bantal.... bantal yang soft lagi cofty... kenapa dari tadi asyik menggoda aku jer??? u know, u'r memang tempting abis la!!!! aku terpanggil untuk bersamamu.... oh bantal ku... apabila mata mula memberi izin.... handphone menunjukkan jam 4 pagi... bantal sudah tersedia disisi bersama-sama tilam and selimut yg cofty... so tunggu ape lagi???? tido jer la!!!!
a japanese song...STILL....

"Someday..." I was remembering that forgettable word you said.
On the street, calling the seasons, the wind stops.
And with your voice, my ordinary life returned to me, my life continues.
Everything from that day is shining.
If I close the door, everything might only fade away.
I can't be honest, as I leave this miserable everyday.
Probably that time we began walking different paths.
Until the day that those feelings will release their radiance.
If the wheel begin to turn, the journey would start.
I won't stray anymore, I gently embrace the past.
I told my secret that I was hiding for a long time only to you.
No matter when, my everything is probably still...
People who I don't know the names are passing by the noisy street.
It seems that everyone has someone important burning in their hearts.
I remembered the time I'd be crushed with many things I had.
Forever we are connected because those hands are not lying.
The days we cannot go back to are lovely but tomorrow is waiting for us.
No matter where, we can still go on....
kinda sad huh???
lately i already got stuck at this song....
kekekeke...don't know why....
it just too emotional right???
waaaaaa...ape dah jadi???
am i slowly turning into miss KILLA???
Monday, April 26, 2010
pagi yang gelap....belom terang terang...

yuhuuuu.... now it's already 2.53 in the morning.... cannot go to sleep yet....huhuhu what to do??? sape suh minom nescafe tadi????? aigoooo....skunk tgk tulisan kat laptop ni rase cam bergerak gerak jer.... kepale aku penin....aduyai... kekekekeke....tadi baru wat blog untuk umah sewa kitorang.... rase cam kelaka lak....sib bek dak dak ni ske.... kalo x ske....mati aku.... so,hopefully da de blog umah ni senang la nk tau hal masing2 biler da x jumper nanti.. huhhuhu sob sob...sedey ni... tinggal sem depan jer dok kat umah ni ngan dorg... taun depan da bawak haluan masing2.... aku takot sangat....takot orang lupe kat aku.... bukan ape....benda da penah jadi kat kite kan... hehehehehe....bkn nk emosi ek... saje jer...pagi2 camni....otak ni mengong sket... sal x cukup tido..
. betrayal.... benda yang aku paling takot sekali.... it happens to me few times before.... so skunk aku agak berhati-hati sket... heh....malas nak ingat benda yang menyakitkan ati.... org selalu cakap..."let bygone be bygone"... but x semudah tu...ok... kekekeke....nape tetibe aku tulis sumer ni??? da mengong betol aku nih!!!! better stop now.... heheheheh
once upon a time in the evening....
td petang aku tido....penat sgt otak ni hah...
byk sgt pk...tido lak x cukup...hohohoho..
bangon tido jer...ngadap laptop FYZA...hehehe...sib bek dia tido...
online and bukak ALLKPOP...owh ader citer sal 2NE1!!! i like...hehehe
wahhh my Bommie unnie is just tooooo adorable!!!kekeke
ops, i sound so gay just now....kekekeke
hey, i am so straight ok...not even close to liking women..hehehe
owh, and back to my story...
tengah2 online ni kan...tetibe ujan lebat kat lua...
angin pun bertiup shooo shoo kat lua umah nih...
langsir kat pintu depan ni pun da berawang awangan dah...
owh nyamannyer....
tp tetibe angin jadi garang and ganas giler....sampai FYZA pun terbangun dari tido yg lena...
cewah ayat aku...
KILA tetibe jerit " ahh kuatnyer angin, takot!!"...
tapi angin memang kuat giler...da tahap ribut dah...
agaknyer time TAUFAN KATRINA dulu, camni la yg dorg rase kan...
takot, debar, cemas wah pendek kater mcm2 la rasenye...
siap ade sound effect lagi...cam bunyik TORNADO pun ader!!
lame lak tuh...kitorang trs off laptop and cabut sume plug...in case kan...
tapi tu la...manusia kan...perkara da jadi baru nak jaga2...
bukan nk cakap org la...cakap sal diri sendiri jugak...
biler something terrible jadi kat org len, kite x amik port pown...
ye la bkn hal kiter kan...tapi biler da jadi kat diri sendiri,,,
baru ko tau!!!
byk sgt pk...tido lak x cukup...hohohoho..
bangon tido jer...ngadap laptop FYZA...hehehe...sib bek dia tido...
online and bukak ALLKPOP...owh ader citer sal 2NE1!!! i like...hehehe
wahhh my Bommie unnie is just tooooo adorable!!!kekeke
ops, i sound so gay just now....kekekeke
hey, i am so straight ok...not even close to liking women..hehehe
owh, and back to my story...
tengah2 online ni kan...tetibe ujan lebat kat lua...
angin pun bertiup shooo shoo kat lua umah nih...
langsir kat pintu depan ni pun da berawang awangan dah...
owh nyamannyer....
tp tetibe angin jadi garang and ganas giler....sampai FYZA pun terbangun dari tido yg lena...
cewah ayat aku...
KILA tetibe jerit " ahh kuatnyer angin, takot!!"...
tapi angin memang kuat giler...da tahap ribut dah...
agaknyer time TAUFAN KATRINA dulu, camni la yg dorg rase kan...
takot, debar, cemas wah pendek kater mcm2 la rasenye...
siap ade sound effect lagi...cam bunyik TORNADO pun ader!!
lame lak tuh...kitorang trs off laptop and cabut sume plug...in case kan...
tapi tu la...manusia kan...perkara da jadi baru nak jaga2...
bukan nk cakap org la...cakap sal diri sendiri jugak...
biler something terrible jadi kat org len, kite x amik port pown...
ye la bkn hal kiter kan...tapi biler da jadi kat diri sendiri,,,
baru ko tau!!!
i'm craving for Mc Donalds!!!!
it's 8.51 pm already....aigooo...laparnyer perut sayer...
nk order McD...tp budak2 ni ckp kenyang lg..."jap lg la kite order ek" kate dorg...
aku pun berkata "ok, aku pun xnak mkn lg t cepat lak lapar smula"...tp lam hati Tuhan je yng tau!!!!!..
oh Bubur Ayam McD, i miss u already, walaupun kite baru jer jumpa last week...
aku da rindu sgt ngan ko....ape yg ko wat sampai aku addicted kt ko ni hah??!!
kekekeke...i'm so very hungry even my words are nonsense now...
owh...and bar jer blaja dance moves lagu 2PM yg baru td...Wihout u
" i'm gonna be ok, i'll be ok"...hehehe ok dance...cool huh?!!
hehehehe...baru dance sket da nk putus nafas ni hah...
cane nk kurus ni???!!!
right now, i'm watching miss killa nih...
aigoo...don't know what's wrong with her la....
sok pagi paper...dia lak rilek jer...
kalo aku la...tutup trus laptop nih...hehehehe xnak gangguan..
tp biarla dia kan...tu care dia...care kite len pulak...
nk order McD...tp budak2 ni ckp kenyang lg..."jap lg la kite order ek" kate dorg...
aku pun berkata "ok, aku pun xnak mkn lg t cepat lak lapar smula"...tp lam hati Tuhan je yng tau!!!!!..
oh Bubur Ayam McD, i miss u already, walaupun kite baru jer jumpa last week...
aku da rindu sgt ngan ko....ape yg ko wat sampai aku addicted kt ko ni hah??!!
kekekeke...i'm so very hungry even my words are nonsense now...
owh...and bar jer blaja dance moves lagu 2PM yg baru td...Wihout u
" i'm gonna be ok, i'll be ok"...hehehe ok dance...cool huh?!!
hehehehe...baru dance sket da nk putus nafas ni hah...
cane nk kurus ni???!!!
right now, i'm watching miss killa nih...
aigoo...don't know what's wrong with her la....
sok pagi paper...dia lak rilek jer...
kalo aku la...tutup trus laptop nih...hehehehe xnak gangguan..
tp biarla dia kan...tu care dia...care kite len pulak...
finally my own blog have been created!!!
congratulation...and celebration...
hehehehe....after my friends( killa, fyza and rye) keep forcing me to create this blog
look...i'm here now...
hmmm...nk tulis ape yer???
ape jadi hari ni???
this morning...wake up at 6.10 a.m....
tengok kanan, tengok kiri....budak2 ni tido lagi...
hehehe...sambung tido la...
6.30 a.m...wake up again...
dis time kena officially bangun...
nak semayang subuh daa....
hari ni exam...paper yg ngeri...FAR 430!!!
huhuhuh...what to do...ilmu belom cukup nih...
xpe la....confident kena lebey...
8.15 a.m....Lily datang amik kiteorg...hehehe...bus...goodbye...
8.35 am...'LISTEN TO MY HEARTBEAT'....debar abis beb...nk masuk dwan da ni...
9.00 am...chaiyok2!!!
12.00 pm...finally its over...FAR 430 semoga kite x jmpe lg next sem....
finally my own blog have been created!!!
congratulation...and celebration...
hehehehe....after my friends( killa, fyza and rye) keep forcing me to create this blog
look...i'm here now...
hmmm...nk tulis ape yer???
ape jadi hari ni???
this morning...wake up at 6.10 a.m....
tengok kanan, tengok kiri....budak2 ni tido lagi...
hehehe...sambung tido la...
6.30 a.m...wake up again...
dis time kena officially bangun...
nak semayang subuh daa....
hari ni exam...paper yg ngeri...FAR 430!!!
huhuhuh...what to do...ilmu belom cukup nih...
xpe la....confident kena lebey...
8.15 a.m....Lily datang amik kiteorg...hehehe...bus...goodbye...
8.35 am...'LISTEN TO MY HEARTBEAT'....debar abis beb...nk masuk dwan da ni...
9.00 am...chaiyok2!!!
12.00 pm...finally its over...FAR 430 semoga kite x jmpe lg next sem....
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urghh....life is so not fair!!!
how come they always got what they want and i got nothing??
i guess life is just not fair...at least for now...
how come they always got what they want and i got nothing??
i guess life is just not fair...at least for now...